Health and wellbeing sessions

Our programmes available at Waltham Abbey

Health & wellbeing sessions 

At Places Leisure our mission is to create active places and healthy people for communities to thrive, whatever stage of your life you may be at. Our centres offer a variety of sessions and courses to support and suit your needs to ensure you can enjoy being active!

Exercise Referral Scheme 

Our exercise referral is a 12-week scheme designed to improve health and wellbeing by encouraging participants to move more within a safe and comfortable environment. The scheme aims to help those who suffer, or are at risk of, developing chronic medical conditions and provides support to people from our community whose health could benefit from a more active lifestyle

Community Hub

The hub is open every Tuesday from 10am to 2.30pm at Waltham Abbey Leisure Centre. Services at the Hub include

  • Citizens Advice Epping Forest District 
  • The Department for Work and Pensions 
  • Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) Community mental health services & Employability is for those receiving secondary mental health care.

Find out more

Side by Side Dementia Session 

Our Side by Side is a service that has been developed to help those living with dementia to continue doing what they love while also encouraging them to try new things. They will have the opportunity to meet up with a dedicated and specially trained colleague who will work with them within the centre, whether it be in the gym, swimming, badminton or even just for a friendly chat in one of the centre cafés.

A diagnosis of dementia can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, and this can worsen as the condition progresses. This will be a safe and welcoming way for individuals to continue to get out and about in their community.

For more information and to book, call us on 01277 363969.