Personal Training Should Be Personal!

Whatever your goals, achieve them one-on-one.

For many people, having a personal trainer can initially seem intimidating. You may see some PTs pushing their clients hard, which could be something you don’t feel ready for.

On a similar note, coming to the gym for the first time can also feel daunting. It may seem like everybody knows what they’re doing, while you’re still figuring out how to use the equipment. Many gym goers find themselves struggling to make positive progress with their fitness, often leading them to question if they should hire a personal trainer.

New starters to the gym can have an induction where you’re given a tour of the gym. You can always get an instructor on the gym floor to show you how to use some equipment, and ours can even write you a programme.

But once you’ve finished that appointment, you might be unsure of what to do next. You’re left having to process a lot of information, and while there’s every bit of confidence that you’ll be fine on your own, progress may take time and it can be demotivating if this progression is slow.

This is where the “personal” in personal training comes in handy, it does exactly what it says on the tin. Personal trainers want to get to know you and ensure the advice they’re giving is tailored to not only your goals, but your abilities as well. Many PTs have also made huge lifestyle changes themselves, and have moved to a career in personal training to inspire others to do the same. We all had to start somewhere!

We’ve put together some benefits of having a personal trainer, and how they can make fitness personal to you:

Creating tailored plans

Not everyone knows how to create a tailored fitness plan, particularly if exercise hasn’t been a huge part of their routine. It’s always a good idea to have a plan, but having one that’s personal to you, your goals, your general physical & mental health, and your fitness levels is even better. This is especially important if you’re unsure of where to start on your fitness journey or you’ve had an injury.

Working around your pace and schedule

Everybody has different lifestyles, and part of what makes personal training successful is ensuring you’ve found the right balance of enjoying life both inside and outside of the gym! With this in mind, PTs should consider and work around aspects of your life such as work and family commitments.

Owning expertise

There’s a lot of false or misleading fitness and dietary advice out there, and it’s become trickier to know what or who to listen to. With a PT, you’re safe in knowing their accurate, educated, and personalised knowledge and ability to dispel myths comes from qualifications and experience.

Having a support system

Setting your own goals and committing to them can be hard to do on your own, this is where your PT comes in. They’re here to help you build healthier habits and to make sure you stay on track. We know the positive impact that exercise can also have on mental health, and your personal trainer is also somebody that can keep you motivated through tough times.

Whether you’re a newbie wanting to develop a plan, a bodybuilder who’s looking for additional guidance, or even somebody training for a marathon, anyone can benefit from having a PT as it is so personal. Even if you only have a few sessions, or meet every couple of weeks, it can be good to hit the refresh button on your routine and have new workouts and equipment to try.

Once you’ve made the decision to hire a PT, the next step is finding which one works for you, making this connection will help you decide which personal trainer fits best.

Many of our centres offer a range of PTs who are all qualified and have different specialisms. Look out for their profiles on the Profile Boards in our centres, which gives you information about each one. Feel free to speak to them or a member of our team on the gym floor to get you on your way.

Whatever place you’re at in your fitness journey, we have a place for you!

If you’ve been looking for PT, click here to find your nearest Places Leisure centre.

Sources: 9 Benefits of Personal Training (Healthline) | How to Find a Personal Trainer to Help You Meet Your Goals (Runner’s World)

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