Premium 16-18/19-25 membership upgrade 2025

What are your options?

First and foremost, we want you to know that we value your business. As someone who has made a personal and financial commitment to being active, we know that fitness really matters to you. It matters to us too! Without a doubt, your dedication is the whole reason we’re here.

We’ve listed many of your options below. This list is not exhaustive, and we recommend speaking to a member of our team at your local centre so we can find the best fit for you and your needs.

To convert your membership, contact our support hub on 01932 260309, where the team will be happy to help you. Or, simply speak to a member of the team on your next visit.

I’m currently on a Premium 16-18yr category membership, what are my options?

Premium memberships allow you to make the most of all of your centre’s facilities, including group workout classes, unlimited gym use, unlimited pool use and more.

If you are aged 19-25, we have memberships designed specifically for your age group offered on a Flexi Direct Debit basis:

  • Our Premium 19-25 Flexi Direct Debit membership allows you the flexibility to join for a minimum of one month for one flat fee. Your membership will continue on a flexible monthly basis, or, you can choose to convert to another membership option.

Our Swim membership offers unlimited pool use for our Just Swim sessions, lane swimming and includes free use of SWIMTAG.

  • With our Swim membership, we have the following options:
    • Our Swim Flexi Direct Debit membership allows you the flexibility to join for a minimum of one month for one flat fee. Your membership will continue on a flexible monthly basis, or, you can choose to convert to another membership option.
    • Our Swim 12-month Direct Debit membership offers our best value monthly fee. For this option, you will still pay monthly but will be committing to paying a monthly fee for 12 consecutive months.

We also offer discounted, Premium Concession memberships for customers aged 65 or over, full-time students aged 26 or over, selected corporate groups (NHS, Emergency Services, MOD, RNLI and those working in education) plus those in receipt of the following: Housing Benefit, Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance, Working Family Tax Credit, Disability Allowance, Carers Allowance or Universal Credit.

I’m currently on a Premium 19-25yr membership, what are my options

Premium memberships allow you to make the most of all of your centre’s facilities, including group workout classes, unlimited gym use, unlimited pool use and more.

With our Premium membership, we have multiple payment options. These include:

  • Our Premium Flexi Direct Debit membership allows you the flexibility to join for a minimum of one month for one flat fee. Your membership will continue on a flexible monthly basis, or, you can choose to convert to another membership option.
  • Our Premium 12-month Direct Debit membership offers you all of the benefits for the best value monthly fee. For this option, you will still pay monthly but will be committing to paying a monthly fee for 12 consecutive months to allow us to offer you a great price. 

Our Swim membership offers unlimited pool use for our Just Swim sessions, lane swimming and includes free use of SWIMTAG.

  • With our Swim membership, we have the following options:
    • Our Swim Flexi Direct Debit membership allows you the flexibility to join for a minimum of one month for one flat fee. Your membership will continue on a flexible monthly basis, or, you can choose to convert to another membership option.
    • Our Swim 12-month Direct Debit membership offers our best value monthly fee. For this option, you will still pay monthly but will be committing to paying a monthly fee for 12 consecutive months.

We also offer discounted, Premium Concession memberships for customers aged 65 or over, full-time students aged 26 or over, selected corporate groups (NHS, Emergency Services, MOD, RNLI and those working in education) plus those in receipt of the following: Housing Benefit, Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance, Working Family Tax Credit, Disability Allowance, Carers Allowance or Universal Credit.