Love Swimming

70% of children are taken out of lessons too early

More than 70% of children are taken out of swimming lessons before they can swim competently putting them at risk in the water, new Swim England research has found.

Swim England and leading leisure operators have launched the latest wave of their #LoveSwimming campaign, aiming to inspire and educate more people on the importance of children being competent swimmers and what water safety looks like.

The research also revealed that more than half of children are taken out of lessons before mastering basic but vital skills, such as treading water for 30 seconds or floating to live for 60 seconds – skills that are fundamental to a child’s ability to have great experiences in the water.

A big shift in perception is needed concerning the safety of children in the water, and this new data surveyed parents’ opinions around what a child needs to do to be safe.

A majority of adults surveyed believed the safest distance a child should be able to swim is between 5-20 metres, compared to Swim England’s recommendation of 100 metres.

Children are either being removed from lessons or stopping them at a stage where they would not be able to achieve four of the key competencies which is to safely swim 100m, tread water for 60 seconds, float for 30 seconds and swim in clothing.

Leon Taylor understands the vital importance of water competency in children ‒ both as a father and a former competitive diver. He said:
“Water competency is one of the most important life skills a child can learn. As a former Great Britain diver, I’ve experienced firsthand the joy and confidence that comes with being comfortable in the water. Now, as a father, I see just how crucial it is for every child to develop this skill.

“I urge all parents to keep their children in swimming lessons until they’ve completed their full journey. Ensuring they master these essential skills not only provides peace of mind as they grow older but also gives them a lifelong means of exercise and enjoyment.

“Every time a child enters the water, they should do so with the confidence and knowledge to stay safe. Teaching water safety isn’t just a responsibility ‒ it’s an investment in their future, both in and out of the water.”

Swim England want to use the #LoveSwimming campaign to highlight the importance of children achieving the water safety competencies allowing them to have great experiences in water.

Andy Salmon, Swim England’s CEO, added: “It is vital we ensure our children are staying in lessons to most importantly keep them safe but also to allow them to have great experiences in the water which are so valuable.

“We understand there's lots of pressures on parent's finances at the moment but it is a concern that so many children are being taken out of swimming lessons before they can achieve the four key competencies.

“I hope through the launch of this wave of #LoveSwimming and this new research that we can educate parents on what children should be capable of in the water and keep children in lessons.

“I would encourage any parents who are seeing this to keep your children in lessons – swimming is such a vital skill and will benefit them throughout their lives.”

Loveswimming Floattolive

The easiest way to be confident that your child has achieved all of these, is to keep them in lessons until they complete stage 7 of the Swim England Learn-to-swim programme. 

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