Early morning exercise classes

Kickstart your day with fitness

Introducing our early morning exercise classes!

At Wycombe Leisure Centre, we offer a series of early morning classes, including:

  • Group Cycling - Mondays, 6.00am - 6.45am
  • Extreme Conditioning - Tuesdays, 6.00am - 6.45am
  • Power - Thursdays, 6.00am - 6.45am

We can't wait to see you there crushing your morning workout!

Book here

Also, did you know...

There are several benefits to exercising in the morning, including:

  • Immediate mood booster
  • Greater life flexibility
  • Better sleep quality
  • Improved productivity and focus
  • More energy throughout the day

If you are looking for a reason to start exercising in the morning, these are only a few of the benefits of this favourable lifestyle change