Try something new
Sports at Wisewood Sports Centre
From booking a court with friends or learning a sport for the first time our centre has something that’s right for you. We work hard with the National Governing Bodies of a number of sports to fill our facilities with ideas that are fun and engaging.
Most of our sports are available to book online.
To do this you'll either need to be a member, or sign up for a free Places Membership.

Badminton is an easy sport to learn and can be a very social game. The speed of the shuttlecock also makes this one of the quickest of the racket sports. It can be played at any pace making it enjoyable for all ages.
We offer No Strings sessions for all ages on Fridays between 10.00am and 11.00am, costing £3.50.
All court bookings and No Strings sessions can be booked via the timetable.

At Wisewood Sports Centre, we offer Walking Football sessions. Relive the glory days with your mates and enjoy a game of football at walking pace.
Session times:
- Monday, Wednesday and Friday 11.00am - 12.00pm
- £3 per sessions
You can book your session, plus other football pitch hires via the timetable.

Our sports clubs
We have a range of sports clubs available at Wisewood Sports Centre.
Places available: