Try something new
Sports at Malden Centre
From booking a court with friends or learning a sport for the first time our centre has something that’s right for you. We work hard with the National Governing Bodies of a number of sports to fill our facilities with ideas that are fun and engaging.
Most of our sports are available to book online.

Badminton is an easy sport to learn and can be a very social game. The speed of the shuttlecock also makes this one of the quickest of the racket sports. It can be played at any pace making it enjoyable for all ages.
Book a court today, join in our social badminton sessions or sign up to a course to learn how to play and develop your technique.
Our badminton sessions
Adult Badminton Club
- Tuesdays - 5.30pm - 7.00pm
Running for 45 weeks of the year and payable by a monthly Direct Debit. Come along to this social session – open to all ages and playing abilities

Our sports clubs
We have a number of clubs use our facilities on a regular basis.
Sports clubs at Malden Centre
Here are the clubs that use our centre.
Wild Tigers (4-9 years)
Term 1
- 11th January - 5th April
- Every Saturday
- 3.30pm - 4.15pm
- Excluding 22nd February
- £73.80
Term 2
- 3rd May - 19th July
- Every Saturday
- 3.30pm - 4.15pm
- Excluding 31st May
- £68.00
Places available: