Swim teacher training opportunities
Everything you need to know
Looking to become a swimming teacher?
We can provide the best opportunities to support your ambitions.
Being a swimming teacher is hugely rewarding and can offer a great employment opportunities.
If you are interested in becoming a swimming instructor with Places Leisure, we can offer funding for you to gain your Institute of Swimming SEQ level 1 swimming assistant qualification. These courses run throughout the whole year.
Please fill out your details below and a member of the team will be in touch with course details
Course details that will be discussed:
You understand that there is a requirement to shadow and assist 30 hours of swimming lessons prior to the start of the SEQ Level 1 course.
You are happy to sign a learner agreement, prior to commencing the course.
You understand a further 30 voluntary hours prior to the SEQ Level 2 course. 60 hours voluntary hours in total.
You are happy to sign a learner agreement, prior to commencing the course.
You understand that there is a two year commitment for each course owing to the cost associated with them (£1,124).
You can make a commitment of one night or Saturday / Sunday morning a week delivery based on the needs of Concordia Leisure Centre
You will be managed & mentored by the Swimming Coordinator. They will arrange your shadowing hours with you.
Once fully qualified and delivering lessons on your own, the rate of pay for this will be £17.00 per hour. Normally 2.5 - 3.5 hours delivery