Aston-cum-Aughton competition

Full terms and conditions

Full terms and conditions 

Eligibility to enter 
The prize

I. Winner will receive either a 12 month Premium membership, free swimming lessons for 12 months or 1 month of free swimming sessions

II. The prizes are as stated and there are no alternative prizes or cash substitutes.

Winner announcement 

I. The winner will be drawn by the Mayor of Rotherham

Receipt of prize

I. The winner will receive a raffle ticket 

Data protection and publicity 

I. Winners agree to participate in publicity accompanying or resulting from the competition. No additional compensation will be awarded for such promotional activities. 


I. Places Leisure LTD reserves the right to vary these terms and conditions or cancel the competition at any stage in the event of circumstances arising beyond its reasonable control.

II. English law applies and the English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any proceedings in connection with this promotion.