Discover the benefits and what to expect

Are you aiming to build strength, increase flexibility, and destress all at once? We have the perfect solution for you - BODYBALANCE™ class, it’s the best way to achieve all three goals.

In this blog, we explore what BODYBALANCE™ is, how it started, the benefits it offers, and what you can expect from attending classes.

Jump to:

●      What is BODYBALANCE?

●      What are the benefits of BODYBALANCE?

●      What exercises do you do in BODYBALANCE?

●      What to expect from a BODYBALANCE class

●      How experienced do you need to be?

●      What do I need for BODYBALANCE workout?

●      Where can I find a BODYBALANCE class?


BODYBALANCE™ is a holistic workout programme with an inspirational yet calming soundtrack that plays in the background. You’ll be focused on your breathing, while bending and stretching through a range of yoga, Tai Chi, and pilates moves that will enhance your strength, flexibility, and mental well-being.

Typically lasting between 30-55 minutes, each class begins with gentle warm-up exercises that then progress through more challenging poses and sequences, and ends with relaxation and meditation.

If you’re new to BODYBALANCE, your instructor will help get you started with some simple routines and breathing exercises - so don’t worry about having to jump straight into the deep end!

What are the benefits of BODYBALANCE?

BODYBALANCE comes with multiple benefits to your overall health and wellbeing. Here are our top five:

  1. Enhanced physical strength and flexibility: It has been proven to help build muscle, especially in your core, while increasing flexibility and range of motion through a variety of poses and sequences.
  2. Improved balance and posture: As you build muscle, like your core, BODYBALANCE is proven to improve your balance and stability, leading to improved posture and also reducing the risk of injury.
  3. Less stress and more relaxation: The workout incorporates mindfulness and breathing exercises that can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, improving your overall mental well-being.
  4. Mental clarity and focus: Many people have described BODYBALANCE as connecting the mind and body, helping with concentration, improving mental clarity and overall cognitive function
  5. Accessible and enjoyable: One of the best things about BODYBALANCE is that it’s  suitable for all fitness levels (with modifications available), and choreographed to inspiring music, making the workout both enjoyable and motivating.

These benefits make BODYBALANCE an effective and fun way to improve physical fitness and mental health.

BODYBALANCE class exercises

What exercises do you do in a BODYBALANCE class?

A BODYBALANCE class usually consists of balancing and stretching type exercises inspired by Tai Chi, pilates and yoga - with beautiful, serene music playing in the background. Some of the key exercises to expect from a BODYBALANCE workout are:

  • Breathing exercises: Focusing on deep, mindful inhalations and exhalations that help centre your mind and synchronise movement with each breath to enhance relaxation and focus.
  • Warrior sequences: There are three types of warrior poses used in BODYBALANCE classes that have been designed to build strength in your legs, improve balance, and enhance stability.
    1. Warrior I involves a lunge with arms extended overhead
    2. Warrior II is a wide-legged stance with arms reaching in opposite directions
    3. Warrior III is a balance pose with one leg extended back while leaning forward with arms stretched forward and back leg lifted.
  • Hip openers: Combining exercises and stretches that aim to increase flexibility and mobility in your hip joints, targeting muscles like the hip flexors and adductors to improve overall range of motion and alleviate tension.
  • Sun salutations: These are sequences of yoga poses that flow together, typically including movements like downward dog, plank, and cobra, all designed to warm up your body, building strength and increasing flexibility while syncing your breathing with movement for a mindful workout experience.
  • Twists: These usually involve rotating the torso, often seated or standing, to stretch and strengthen the spine, improve flexibility, and release tension in the back and shoulders, promoting spinal mobility and overall relaxation.
  • Pilates-inspired core training: These exercises are designed to strengthen and stabilise your core muscles, like the abdominals and lower back, improving overall core strength, posture, and body alignment.
  • Each type of exercise can be adapted to any fitness level - from beginner to advanced.

What to expect from a BODYBALANCE class

Throughout the class, there’s a big emphasis on mindful movement, with exercises often coordinated with your breathing to promote focus and relaxation.

The combination of exercises in BODYBALANCE classes aim to provide a balanced workout that improves strength, flexibility, balance, and overall well-being.

How experienced do you need to be?

There’s no experience needed - everyone can get started with BODYBALANCE! Your fitness level doesn’t matter and anyone aged 16 and over is welcome.

Your instructor will show you a variety of options that’s suitable for your fitness level - and don’t worry about what others are doing, go at your own pace and just enjoy the session. It may take a few classes to see if it’s right for you and to feel more comfortable with the moves and breathing.

What do I need for a BODYBALANCE workout?

If you’re just starting out with BODYBALANCE, just wear comfortable clothes that you’ll be able to bend and stretch in - your instructor will help with the rest!

If you’re an advanced BODYBALANCE student and want a more effective workout where you’ll see real results - there is equipment that can help! Here’s 6 things that we’d recommend if you’re attending classes regularly and want to take things up a level:

  1. Comfortable clothing: Wear clothing that allows you to move freely, such as yoga pants, leggings, or shorts, along with a breathable top
  2. Yoga mat: A non-slip yoga mat provides cushioning and stability for floor exercises and stretches
  3. Water bottle: This one is essential - like with any exercise, staying hydrated is important, so definitely have a full water bottle close by
  4. Towel: A towel can be useful for added comfort during certain poses - and also wiping away sweat if you really get into the workout!
  5. Open space: BODYBALANCE requires a decent space for you to be able to move freely and safely so we would recommended attending a class or, if you’re attending a virtual class, finding a space without obstructions
  6. Optional equipment:
  • Yoga Blocks: These can help with balance and provide support in various poses
  • Yoga Strap: Useful for stretching and improving flexibility
  •  Blanket or Cushion: For additional comfort during relaxation and meditation exercises.

By having these items ready, you will have everything you need to enjoy your BODYBALANCE workout. If you’re a beginner and maybe want to be sure it’s right for you before investing in equipment, don’t hesitate to talk to your leisure centre or instructor for advice on what you’ll need to get you started.

How often should you do BODYBALANCE?

You have to do what feels right for you, and what can fit around the demands of daily life - but we’d recommend starting with one class per week and building up from there. If you are able to make it work for you, then attending three classes a week will help you to really see and feel the benefits.

Where can I find a BODYBALANCE class?

BODYBALANCE is hugely popular with our members! We have a range of classes available, all led by experienced and qualified fitness experts, including some delivered online.

It’s easy to sign up to BODYBALANCE classes across most of our 90 Places Leisure centres throughout the UK. Just find your nearest Places Leisure centre and you’ll see the timetable of available classes for you to book online (easy!),

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