Top 10 gym tips for new starters

How to get started at the gym

If you don’t know what to do in the gym or you’ve never stepped foot in one before, it can seem a little daunting. You may be thinking: What are the machines for? How do I use them? Is everyone looking at me?

In this blog, we’ll cover everything from what to pack in your gym bag, right up to your very first workout. Before you know it, you’ll know everything there is to know about working out in the gym and smashing your fitness goals.

How to get started at the gym

The scariest place to start for many people is often just stepping foot into a gym! If it is your first time going to the gym or maybe it's been a while, we recommend getting used to your surroundings and the equipment available to you.

One of the best ways to do this is through a gym induction.

What is a gym induction?

We offer all new starters a free induction*, where a member of the fitness team will welcome you to the gym and:

  • Give you a tour of the gym and facilities
  • Share how to use the different gym equipment
  • Provide some quick tips on what to use based on your fitness goals. 

Our friendly fitness team is always available after your induction if you are unsure on anything.

We provide up to 45 minutes of one-on-one support with a fitness team member. During this time, they will discuss your goals and help you create a personalised fitness plan. Pricing for these sessions varies by location.

Gym tips for beginners

Once you’ve signed up to your local gym, it can make some people feel a little anxious at the uncertainty of it all - a new place, scary-looking gym equipment, and lots of new people who “know fitness inside-out”. But remember, everyone has had to start somewhere - and they’re all on their own journey, so while you may think that everyone is a pro, but the reality is that some people started the month or even day before you (and more will start tomorrow, after you!).

To help make your first few gym sessions as stress-free and enjoyable as possible, we’ve broken down our top 10 gym tips for beginners:

1. Be prepared: The first step to feeling more confident at the gym is to feel prepared - make sure you have everything that you need - check out our list of what to bring to the gym below.

2. It is ok to feel nervous: It’s totally normal to feel a bit nervous during your first few visits at the gym, but don’t let that put you off! It’s important to power through those feelings and just aim to understand the gym facilities and push yourself through your first workouts, focusing instead on how you’ll feel after your workout. Before you know it, the nerves will begin to fade away and your confidence will soar, so you can really start to enjoy your gym sessions!

3. It is ok to ask for help: Asking for help can also help you feel more comfortable in the gym much quicker. There’s no need to feel embarrassed if you’re not sure how to use a certain piece of equipment - our instructors are around and are always happy to help you out.

If you are also on a Premium or Gym Only Membership at Places Leisure, you can also book a 15 minute review a month which is a fantastic way to get help and feedback from a member of the fitness team.

4. Go with a friend: Going to the gym with a friend offers motivation, accountability, and a fun way to try new workouts together. Partnering up can also make your exercise routine more enjoyable and engaging!

5. Set goals: Setting goals in the gym is super important because it gives you a clear direction, helps track progress, and motivates you to push yourself towards achieving your fitness goals.

6. Nutrition is key: Nutrition provides the necessary fuel for energy, supports muscle recovery and growth, and enhances overall performance and endurance during exercise - so it’s vital to maintain a healthy diet that’s aligned to achieving your fitness goals.

7. Staying consistent: Without consistency, working out won’t be as effective, so you likely won’t see the results you’d like. Consistency builds habits, helps with your progress, improves overall fitness levels and supports you in achieving your long-term health and wellness goals.

8. Warm up and cool down: Warming up and cooling down is really important to prevent injury, so we always recommend making time for five minutes for each (before and after).

9. Allow time for recovery: Making sure you’ve allowed time for recovery after a workout is essential because it allows your muscles to repair and rebuild, reduces the risk of injury, and helps to improve your overall performance when working out. It’s important to give your body a well earned break after all!

10. Be realistic: There is no point setting yourself up for failure - be realistic when working out because setting achievable goals and expectations means you’ll make progress that really does last, and also helps create a routine that fits with your lifestyle and capabilities - making it easier to stick with. 

What to bring to the gym

Feeling prepared gives us all that sense of confidence, especially when you’re starting something new. So before you head to the gym, here are the top things we'd recommend bringing along:

  • Gym-appropriate clothes - we’d recommend avoiding denim or heavy clothing and instead opt for more flexible and breathable material to help make your workout feel more comfortable (like jogger bottoms or leggings and t-shirts)
  • Gym shoes like trainers that support your feet and allow airflow (running trainers are always a great choice); avoid canvas-based or completely flat trainers

  • A hand towel for sweat (many gym members bring this along, with most saying it’s a ‘must have’!)

  • Bathing towel and your favourite toiletries - if your gym has shower facilities, jumping into the shower straight after your workout can help you free refreshed and energised

  • Water bottle - this is a must-have. With any workout, it’s essential to stay hydrated! We’d recommend popping it into the fridge the night before so you can enjoy ice-cold refreshment while you work up a sweat

  • Padlock - if your gym has locker facilities, it’s always a great idea to bring along your own padlock to ensure your personal belongings are securely stowed away

  • Download the Places Leisure app – Our app is the ideal tool for tracking your workouts. It easily syncs with any wearable device, providing you with bespoke work out programs and detailed progress tracking.

What is a good beginner workout?

To help kickstart your fitness journey, we’ve pulled together some top beginner workouts, focusing on cardio and resistance training, to help you get started. 

Remember, it's important to listen to your body and progress at your own pace. Everyone begins somewhere, and it's perfectly okay if you can't complete the workout right away - it’s the beginning of your journey! 

1. Warming up with a 5-minute walk for cardio 

One of the easiest ways to warm up quickly is on the treadmill! Begin with a 5-minute fast-paced incline walk to get your heart rate up and mobilise your joints. Some treadmills even have a ‘Quick Start’ option that will have this ready to go for you!

2. Get started with resistance training 

Resistance training is a form of exercise that involves working against a force to build muscle strength and endurance. 

First, you’ll need to choose a weight that you can comfortably lift for 10 reps.

Do three sets of 10 reps for each of the following exercises, leaving around 60 seconds’ rest between each set - The last few reps should be really challenging!

1. Dumbbell lunges:

a. Hold a dumbbell in each hand
b. Step forward with one leg, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at about 90 degrees
c. Push back up to the starting position and repeat.

2. Leg press:

a. Sit on the machine with your feet shoulder-width apart on the platform
b. Push the platform away steadily by extending your legs while keeping your back and head firmly against the seat.
c. Repeat the above again.

3. Dumbbell shoulder press:

a. Sit or stand with a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height
b. Press the weights upward until your arms are fully extended above your head
c. Repeat the above.

4. Lat pull-down: 

a. Sit at the machine with your thighs secured under the pad
b. Grasp the bar with a wide overhand grip, and pull it down to your upper chest, squeezing your shoulder blades together
c. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.

5. Cable chest fly: 

a. Stand between two cable machines with handles in each hand
b. Extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder height
c. Bring the handles together in front of your chest while keeping a slight bend in your elbows and repeat.

6. TRX planks: 

a. Place your feet in the TRX straps
b. Get into a forearm plank position with your body in a straight line
c. Hold the position while engaging your core muscles
d. Time your hold, rest and repeat.

3. HIIT cardio circuit

A HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) circuit is all about intervals of contrasting training, consisting of brief but intense bursts of exercise (giving it maximum effort) followed by low-intensity recovery or rest periods.

For this HIIT, repeat 5 rounds with minimal rest:

1.10 burpees:

a) Start in a standing position
b) Drop into a squat with your hands on the ground
c) Kick your feet back into a plank
d) Perform a push-up
e) Jump your feet back to the squat position
f)  Finally, explosively jump up with your arms overhead and repeat.

2. 10 press-ups:

a) Start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart
b) Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the ground
c) Then push back up to the starting position while keeping your body straight and core engaged - and repeat.

3. 10 sit-ups:

a)    Lie flat on your back with your knees bent, with your feet flat on the floor, hands behind your head or crossed over your chest
b)    Lift your upper body off the ground by contracting your abdominal muscles until you're sitting upright
c)    Then slowly lower back down and repeat.

4. Cool down after exercise:

A cool down is important because it helps gradually reduce heart rate and blood pressure, prevents dizziness or fainting, and promotes muscle recovery. Here’s a few ideas on how to effectively cool down after your workout:

a) Lower Intensity Activity: Gradually reduce the intensity of your workout, like walking or jogging slowly - this helps to bring the heart rate down.
b) Stretches for recovery: Gentle stretching is essential after a workout to target the major muscle groups used during your workout, holding each stretch for about 15-30 seconds.
c) Deep Breathing: Take deep breaths to help lower your heart rate and promote relaxation, focusing on calming your body and mind.

Best time to go to the gym

There is no scientifically proven best time to work out, just listen to your body and make the best decision for you.

It all depends on your routine, but if you have time to go before work and already feel energised, then that’s a perfect time to visit. Don't worry if not, hit the gym on your way home! It’s important to find gym routine that fits around your life, that way it’ll always be easier to keep consistent.

Peak times generally are between the hours of 6-8am and 5-7pm, so if you are looking for more space and quiet when working out, it’s best to avoid these times.

Ready to get started? Find a gym near you today

Our gym facilities span across 90 locations in the UK. We’re passionate about helping you stay physically active and emotionally engaged in fitness, wellbeing and sport.

Find your nearest gym today. You can also find out more about classes near you and get a booking via our Places Leisure app.

* This can be booked with a member of the team when the person joins or at a later date via the website

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