Exercise during Ramadan

Supporting your fitness journey

Ramadan is a very special religious observation for Muslims around the world – a time of reflection, prayer, and self-improvement. When it comes to fitness, those who take part in Ramadan may have to make tweaks to their usual routine to stay on track. Read on for our helpful tips and tricks when it comes to navigating your health journey during Ramadan.

Can or should I exercise during Ramadan?

Absolutely yes! If you wish to engage in fitness during Ramadan, it can improve sleep and energy levels during the day. 

What are the best times for exercise during Ramadan?

Everyone's body reacts differently to fasting, so it is worth considering the time of your workout and how this may impact your energy levels. Depending on how you feel, you may prefer to engage in exercise before Suhoor (Pre-Dawn/Sunrise) and after Iftar (Post-Sunset). We recommend planning your workouts ahead of time so that you can prepare.

What kind of exercise is best?

There are many different factors that will affect your fitness journey during Ramadan, such as current fitness levels. Due to this, everyone will adapt their routine differently. 

Slow or moderate exercises such as brisk walks, slow jogging, cycling, cross training and light machine exercises at the gym are great options. It is important to listen to your body and be sure not to overload your workouts. Doing any exercise at all is good, so you could always try dropping your resistance, amount of reps or weight, if needed.

Be flexible.

Ultimately, the best piece of advice during Ramadan is embracing the need to be flexible.

If the time and type of workout you have chosen isn’t right for you, switch it up until it’s right. If it’s too intense, lower the pressure. Some people might find it easier to work out first thing after a good night’s rest, others may prefer working out in the evening to help them to unwind.

Whatever time suits you, we have a range of low-impact workout classes, swimming sessions and gym equipment for you to enjoy at the centre.

Ramadan Mubarak everyone!

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