Benefits of family swim time

There's power in the pool for all!

Being active isn't just about feeling stronger, fitter, and more energetic, it's all about enjoying exercise too! Why not have fun and get active together by making health and fitness not just a solo pursuit, but a family pursuit?

Getting the kids moving has never been more important. Sport England research shows that just 47% of children in England were achieving an average of 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Most adults are also failing to get enough exercise.

This is where we can help...

Make a splash with us

We know that swimming can be a great value activity for families, it's no wonder that we see parents, guardians, and children hitting the pool after school or at the weekend. So, if you love to go swimming every week – bring the kids and share your love of the pool with them! 

Staying active with your family not only helps to keep everyone involved, but it can also help keep your family close and maintain your bond. In a time where many of us can be glued to our screens, swimming is a refreshing choice of exercise that gets us out of the house and moving. You can all have fun, create moments they will cherish, and stay healthy all while forming a family bond that will last a lifetime. We call that a win-win for the whole family!

See the benefits

Getting the kids involved in fitness means you will be modelling health and fitness routines for them at an early age. When your children see you showing good behaviour and positive, healthy lifestyle choices, they are more likely to choose the same behaviours. Plus, scheduling physically based activities reinforces the messaging to our children that these behaviours are fun and positive. When adults make their health a priority, kids will learn to as well.

Swimming makes this point even more important as it's an essential life skill for everybody to have. Having some family fun in the water allows your children to practice what they've been learning in their lessons and lets you provide some support and encouragement! We know how important this extra practice time is for children who are learning to swim, which is why we offer free swimming for all children who take part in swimming lessons with us.

Regular pool sessions make a great workout for the family. Swimming provides a full-body workout that engages many of our muscle groups and can even help children improve their motor skills and coordination. Beyond the physical benefits, the weightlessness and sound of the water can do wonders for calming the mind and reducing stress.

Swimming is a great way for younger ones to socialise too. By joining in on a variety of sessions at our centres, children can gain the confidence to interact with others and make new friends. Whether you're playing games in the pool as a family or just having a splash together, it's the perfect place to foster social connections that boost emotional development and happiness.

Guidelines around fitness

NHS guidelines state that kids need to be active for at least 60 minutes a day, with adults being recommended to exercise at a moderate intensity for at least two and a half hours a week. This can equate to three sessions a week of activity (whether that's in the pool or out of it) that strengthens muscles and bones, so it’s crucial to mix it up.

Evidence shows that children and young people who are more active have more confidence, higher self-esteem, less anxiety and stress, and better social skills – attributes that can help them deal with the challenges they face in daily life.

No matter the weather, our fitness playground is always open, so come along and enjoy being active together! View our membership options here and check out our pool sessions at your nearest centre below.

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