1 day pass

Try our facilities for free

So you'd like to try our facilities for free? You're in luck!

You can enjoy the same benefits as Premium members with our free pass:

  • Unlimited gym use
  • Unlimited classes
  • Unlimited pool use for Just Swim, Fitness and Fun sessions
  • Places Locker – our fitness tracker app with challenges, training programmes and more
  • Free use of SWIMTAG – wearable technology to track your swim performance and stroke

Simply complete our enquiry form and one of the team from your chosen site will be in touch to arrange your day pass.

The small print

  1. No purchase necessary. You will need to register as a free Places Member.
  2. The pass offers Premium Membership benefits for its duration, after which you will remain a Places Member.
  3. One "1 day pass" per year.
  4. Facilities vary by site. Please check what is available at your local site to avoid disappointment.    
  5. If you'd like to use the gym, please make an appointment for your first visit. This is so that we can get to know your goals and keep you safe.  
  6. We take our responsibilities to juniors seriously. For 11-17 year olds a parent/guardian (18yrs+) must sign the Health Commitment Statement (HCS) and a gym introduction may be required. Under 16's access to the gym is limited to set times. Specific age range classes can be attended and may require attendance with a parent /guardian.
  7. We reserve the right to refuse admission without reason. Free passes are not always available immediately.